What a absolute load of tripe this, is and now they are going to do a Summer Special!
I watched two minutes of it and found it toe curlingly cringe worthy...
My Dad joined Facebook last Saturday, its taken all week and many phones from me, explaining how to write on a friend's wall and this afternoon he achieved it, yay - he has 7 friends on his list -...
I know normally migraine symptons are the flashing lights in the eyes etc. Has anyone experienced dizziness and feeling off balance that could be a migraine ?
Hello, The AnswerBank will be taking a short nap at 5:30pm GMT while we make some changes. We won't be gone for long, so pop the kettle on and watch Come Dine With Me to pass the time. See you all on...
Any idea what spider rolls into a ball when approached to get him off a step? were positive it was a spider, as it had 6 legs? He was about to be picked up to chuck him out of the shed, and he just...
I've used many and can't seem to find anything that works and it really is hurting my self confidence as whenever I put on any face cream it just seems to add to the greasiness. Any advice will be...
I'm sick to death of cold callers today, I have had 7 phone calls all purporting to be from debt solution companies. They were all from Indian sounding people with unlikely names (Sarah, Paul, Rachael...
Why do people wash salad stuffs before eating? ie running water over it. What good does that do? I never bother, I just eat it as it is, never made me ill.
I was just wondering in this day and age why teenage unwanted pregnancy rates are so high. Nowadays contraceptives are very easy to get hold of and the old excuse of 'whoops i forgot my pill' surely...
Hello everyone, The news section is always fraught with fierce debate and personal opinion. I try my best to let threads run their course so that people can debate like reasonable adults. The...
http://www.bbc.co.uk/...d-south-asia-13594762 How can this woman prove she has been raped just by taking the man's cut-off penis to the police station? Could it be a case of double punishment for him...
Not many things make me cry but bloody hell, is anyone watching bbc1? programme called "undercover care". This is just barbaric. That poor woman's son. I'm in tears of anger here.
I'm going to do my 1st ever car boot sale next week, as I've had a big clear out!
Any of you more experienced car booters got any tips you can pass on?...
I am thinking about moving, although I have to sell this house first, so I keep looking at nice places I would like to buy. One phrase that estate agents use really annoys me - "deceptively...
I am very sorry to say he has lossed is battle, and sadly passed away last night peacefully in hospital. Many,many thanks to all who anwered my request for your prayers for him.