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I have seen these weird bugs on my toilet floor, and no matter how much I clean it they are still there, UI don't know what they are or what they are called, but here is a picture of what it kind of...
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As its my birthday and if I was working, I would be buying cakes for the office, so as I am sitting at a desk in front of a screen, then you lovey people are my work mates.........
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Last week there was thread on here from someone who said they'd been racially insulted in a Supermarket check-out queue. I commented that it happened all the time to my daughter and gave an example....
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around my house asking for clothes for starving Africans ! I said if they can fit into my clothes there not bloody starving.
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is it me or was she on a different planet me thinks shes not off the drugs yet, she kept looking on the floor rather than talk to poor dermot love her song though
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see, I cant understand why anyone would want to be in a relationship. Then invite someone else in for sex. Wouldnt you be jealous seeing your partner having sex with someone else
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with your neighbours? Ours are not talking to us at the moment. They've recently had a conservatory built and they say we should be cutting our ivy every two weeks to stop it from growing onto their...
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I always end up going to bed very late, so tonight I am having an early night. Hopefully no later than 11.30.
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not english surely, I can't understand a word she says.
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Please settle a family argument, folks. Does Simon Cowell wear a wig ? My son thinks is as bald as a coot, but daughter, Emma, who has met him ( but not tugged his hair) says that it is all his own....
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has just got out of the bath and i have just bit her on both cheeks. !
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I will be back after watching the XFactor, would you care to join me for a wee drink and some good music???
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I've just been told by my daughter that when you're annoyed with someone to tell them why, because if you cover it up you'll be annoyed with them for longer...... Are you always straight with people...
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Could london have as much towers and as tall towers as new york if it wanted to, because all i know is that london wants to keep it a beautifil city instead of havin lots of towers?
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Everynight she seems to be partying,partying,partying! She has 3 kids ffs! Does she ever spend time with them?...
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Lovemaking tips for Seniors 1. Wear your glasses. Make sure your partner is actually in the bed. 2. Set timer for 3 minutes, in case you doze off in the middle. 3. Set the mood with lighting. (Turn...
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Well that was a close one I have some scrap gold to sell and see these ads on TV. So I guessed they would not give good prices. But having checked a few out , the prices are very good. So just...
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DEN53 Did anyone watch this last night on BBC4 - it was a follow up to the original documentary shown 2 years ago. It was good to see this follow up...

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