Every now and again i keep losing my digital reception signal,I guess it's the weather causing it,I'm in South Yorkshire,anyone else having same problem.
The pound appears to be getting a little stronger against the Euro,cannot decide whether to order at this rate or wait a little longer for my hols next month to Tenerife.Will need plenty of beer money...
Anyone got one of these ? no replies in technology so trying here .OK I have just received my first ebook.I have d/loaded a couple of books on my laptop, however I cannot see for the life of me how to...
OK I have just received my first ebook.I have d/loaded a couple of books on my laptop, however I cannot see for the life of me how to transfer to the ebook. When i connect up i press Data transmission...
Have just ordered myself a reader,anyone know any good sites with free book downloads.I have earmarked 4 books to buy but would like to build a decent library.
Having nothing better to do i read up on Fire hydrant locations etc.I was surprised to read the following sentence........ "Buildings near a hydrant may qualify for an insurance discount since...
Be warned I have just received (and deleted) this e-mail from HM revenue and customs (supposedly). Following an upgrade of our computer systems and review of our records we have investigated your...
My neighbour has just been across with a problem. When he tries to burn a dvd it comes up "no driver located;" he tells me he recently went back to factory settings on his computer. Can...
Enable,specialist holidays for the disabled .I have booked a holiday with ENABLE just wondered if any AB's had any experience with this travel company.
My wife and I are about to book a holiday for Turkey,our first since she had her lower leg amputated last September.Can anyone suggest a good ins.company that won't rip us off. I have so far had a...
I have tried to send e-mail to a customer service dept. and got this message....The server does not support a SSL connection. Subject 'O/N swsm-yw-1899371' Server Error: 250 Server Response: 250 HELP...
I have a palm tree (type unknown) outside my back window.It's about 12/14 feet tall and approx 10 years old. It has sprouted at the top,is it seeding ? can anyone identify it ,and whats going on? You...