5d: Running up and down the stairs, he went on to achieve his milestone (9)?a?n???e?
4d/13a: They're no longer wanted but can still be used (4-4) ?a?t, ?f??...
10a: Relieved so, you are, with the judge's say-so! (4,2,2) ?d?e, ??, ??
5d: Seems like a branch of grammer, this excessive use of language (9) ?????s?t?...
20a: Does tadhg furlong get your No1 support for the six nations? (4) ?R?P 12A: Its the predators feet you'll hear stop for a spell (5) ?A?S? 3d: Agonise over the young ones (5) ?r?o? 13a: A positive...
24/27d: you'll get this in a heartbeat at arms length from the heart (5,4) ???s?, ??t? 13a: Teutonic name: should come back to you just the same (4) ?t?o 22a: Check, you hear, a harp should be...
2d: Would you put a match to such books online like Fahrenheit 451? (6) ?i?g?? 1d: Slight as the chances are, could this be the mystery of the trinity? (3,2,5) ?n?, i?, ??r?? 6d: Its never easy for...
19d: In the field of play, is he in touch or out of touch? (8) L?????a?
17d: ...if not, its where nothing changes (9) ?t?????s?
3d; you'll get scope from the tab im opening (5) ?m???...
3d: Religious exhibit lying in coffin? Scrap that (5) ?e?i?
5d: No, no, no, hearing hitler rant. But this was state we were in then (9) ?m?????c?
14d: Wound up? Let me assess (5) ??a?e...
25a: Carry on here with yet another carry on , ma'am (6) ?a?r?n
2d: Sn + Cu will make an alloy for you (6) ?e?t?r
13a: ...and a hinderance we hear to a union of common purpose (4)???c...
7D: Dr WHO? A famous name, even amongst francophiles (4) ?h?l 23d: What a speedster! An out-of-this-world cert, ok? (6) r?c??? 15A: Would they be fighting-fit or fit for fighting when they emerge? (4)...