16accross. A descendant; a young member of a family (5) ??I?n
15down. A watch or a period of watchful attention esp. during the night (5) ?I??l
6down. Denied a claim or allegation (7) ??c?t??...
27across. Now bring out a romantic poet (8) ??o?n?n?
17down. Subleasing? Just pretending (7, 2) ???????, on
2down. Love means nothing to such players! (6) ?e???s...
9accross.Zoot! just like that: Dorothy's comeback (6,2,2,) r???r? t? o? 11accross. The balance of justice after throwing out 50 cases! (5) s?a?e? 13accross/4down. Such is excellent from our film...
Crossword 2
14down. Cheapen (7) ?e?a???
22accross. Ideal (7) ?e?u?c? (not sure of the u, but the clue down for this was Away (3) i have answered this as out?)
21accross. Mouldy (5) ???t?...
6down. Chief Executive Officer slops around in a hub of corruption. (8) ?e?s???l 8Across. Politically correct to address Angela Merkel thus? (4) ?r?u 15Accross. So a row initially stirred by them (4)...
18across. "Am so afflicted with children!" Says she. What can it be? (7,8) ?o???n?, ??c?????
9across. If put in jeoprady, read tenth e-mendment. (10) ??r?a?????...
17down. Scary romp arranged for a military body (4,5) ?r?y, ???p? 6down. Dan's the man to throw in a bar at his tea party! (8) ???n?e?l 8&10accross. However hollow, this ones still a shining example...
24accross. Reach agreement on a transaction: bring to an end (8) ??n????e
3down. Word that modifies a sentence esp. regarding time, manner or circumstance (6) a?????...