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17d. You might loose your head at this sort of speed (9) ?r?a?n??? 28a. On Christmas eve they'll scan the skies for those with stars in their ees! (10) ?e?e?????s 27d. Aren't they just dandies! (4)...
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21accross; fly by night - closeted by day? (4) m?t? 1down; Proceed gently - Information technology involved. (4,2,4) ?a??, ?? ?a?? 10accross: One patch unearthed for the Unknown Soldier (8) ???o?a??...
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6down; Is this what keeps the road runner running? (4,4) ?a?t, ?o?d 27down; Might Melville's monster come partly from dickens? (4) m?b?...
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1down; Cromwellians (10) ?o?n???a?s (the letters are done in a circle for this clue) 12accross: What every man must put on the line sometime (5) ???r?...
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29Accross: This, some other goes 94) E?G? (is it EOGS?) 2 Down: Let your pen flow so, as you think outside the box! (6) ?O?D?E...
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28 across: On return.... there is none (2, 8) No, ???e?a?k 2down: Let your pen flow so, as you think outside the box! (6) ?o?d?? 19/12A: By which elections are decided - even for bums to figure out...
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15across: Great big fair cut short (4) ??p? 29across: Outrageously gory carousal (4) ??g? 12across: Didn't it find favour with the British in India (5) ?u???...
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7down: Bigger and better (7) ??t?t?? 22down: Pertaining to the East (6) ?????t 4across: Make less tense (5) R????...
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23down; might the holy church miss out on such a falling out? (6) s?h?s?
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9a/4d: Rightly or wrongly, it's spelt out for you on the phone (10,4) P?????t???, ???? 5d: Late enlightenment it may be - unless you have eyes in the back of your head! (9) ?????I?h?...
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25accross: Confounded - as the next clue could be (6) ?a?h?? 23down: Change has her out of sorts (6) R?h??? 1down: Reputational damage made if not a corruption of character (10) ?e?a?a????...
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26down: Jist a quarter for some to square accurately (4) a?e?
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23down: Order of the 9th,if you will, Mac Diff? (4, 2) L?a?, ?? 18accross: One, tow, three... acoustically can be trying on the ear? (7, 3, 5, ) ?e???n? , the, ?????...
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7down: Existing or occurring in an extreme degree (7) ??t?n??
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9accross: Very small singing bird (6) L?n???...
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8 across: It will carry the investments of track speculators (4) ?o?e
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1down; The main feature is the one we all should see (3, 7) ?i? , ????u?? 12accross; What a fright! Like an automobile trapped between two points(5) ???r? 27accross; They all mean the same, if not in...
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4down: .....spoils, bu all sounds, a stringed instrument. (4) ???e 6down: 01010101 is all it takes to work worldwide wonders! (8) ???p????...
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13accross; How many times a warning is heard from a fair way off? (4) ?o?r
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16down; From peacekkepers to these, Romans grew in turn (10) w?r?o?g??? 10accross: oooo...! And what time would you call this soldier? (4,4) ?e?o, ?o?r 24down: Going down here, but they keep going up!...

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