Any help appreciated for last few, all answers are either cat or a dog-related. 18. R for Rottweiler? (3,6) 62. ..... but without scent track William's thick friend (3,6) (--- Ginger?) 73. Scholar at...
Please can anyone help with CLUES to Billericay Lions latest Quiz - all answers are UK Railway Stations (begin with letters A-K only) 6. Is Steven angry 72. Find where uncle landed 77. Kevin was a...
Clues please for the following - 15a. Busines (10,8) 15b. The act of excusing (11) Answers must rhyme Anagrams of book titles 32. Forget raffia sheet (5,2,3,7) 38. Back liner (5,4) Film title with...
Any help please with last 3, all things that can be found in the garden unsurprisingly....... 9. Cast off or get potting! (4) 40. One of Santas three gets oriental tool (3) 64. Glass cover brings icy...
Any help with clues for the following please - 86. Which face turned to stone 87. Which group had UK Top 10 hits in the 1970's, 80's and 90's, each time with a completely different line-up 99. Which...
Please can I have another clue for 22a "Set time roughly for festival." Only other posting gave a solution of 8 letters, but I was under the impression the answer has 6 letters. perhaps I...
Any clues please for no. 16 and 17. Obviously this will only make sense if you are doing this Quiz. It is 40 pictures in aid of the Centenary Wing KGH (Kettering General Hospital?) I have got answers...
Clue for last one please - 32. I used to live Down Under, but I am now in the UK with my sister working in the Dales, but who am I? Has anyone else had trouble with no.30 ? (This Morning I was Dancing...
Clues for these last ones please - 3b Entered for a marathon maybe? (2,3,4,3) rhymes with "gun" 13b Suitable footwear for playing areas (6) rhymes with "airports"? 23a A persistent...
Clues would be appreciated for the following - 27. WLTDO by BM 34. LTP by TS 38. DBY by BM 39. PC by BS 44. CIAA by BM 50. TSBS by RW & DO 78. DWBMA by KB 96. LIF by BT Thanks and Merry Xmas...
Clue please for Q92 this month's Learn Burn. What is the name, derived from the Greek for "twisted jaw", applied to the bony strong-toothed order of fishes with small mouths and small gill-openings
Any help with these last few? 24. Somehow it calms UK and steadies (9) 36. Angry, annoyed, irritable, snappy eg (10) 46. Most important point or feature of something (3,4,2,3,6) 47. Fords twice a...