This is my worst ever attempt. Stuck now on last 2 questions 34 down - tennis player whose wimbledon reign ended in 1981 B.R. 39 down In ecclesiastical terms non clerical L.Y
I need help with 3 to finish PLEASE 32 across - In music to be performed in a disturbed or vigorous manner - I have AGITATE 27 down - Person carrying out the spanish method of exection by strangling -...
Has anyone here any idea where I can find a site that gives answers to PICK ME UP magazine competitions. I kn ow of site for the other magazines but it doesnt give answers for Pick Me...
I enjoy trying my skill with the Mail on Sunday crossword. I have won 4 times in last 2 years but could NEVER have done it without the help from here. Where you lot get some of the answers from beats...
I am stuck on 2 questions and beg help please 42 across - Band of eartjhquake foci under the pacific coast of Mexico (7.4) b...o.f .o.e 43 across Bred of small dog noted for it's fluffy coat and...
Please help I am stuck on two to finish the crossward 10 down An iron or steel structure with an L shaped cross section 5-4 I have angle .r.n 40 across a west african gazelle habving horns annulated...
Help please with one and confirmation of the other PLEASE 35 down Member of an Eastern Church retaining its own liturgy but accepting Papal authority (Iam am Welsh Baptistand stuck on this one) 39...
I am stuck with three questions and I would very muh appreciate help 1 down..creative deity in zoroastrianism .h.r.m.z.. 5 down form of jazz .e.o. 24 across jewish family who revoltred against the...