Support, in short (3)
Acronym for Army Emngineers (1,1,1,1)
In the manner of (1,2)
Renew parts and reassemble (5)
Surrey town near Guildford (9) E?D?N?H??
Thanks for any help...
Wading bird of the plover family (4) ?N?T
Places elsewhere (4,5) S?TLAf?SE
Word list originating from the Greek (8) ALPEAT??
Most pleasant fantasist (8,7)...
Short-lived airline of 1980's based at Prestwick (8,7)
District of Birmingham (5) A?n??
Majestic (7) A?E?O??
Marks over letters changing length or pronunciation (7) A???N??...
23 across - large arid area in the states of western and south Australia (5,8,6)
15 ACROSS one million of the standard unit of electrical resistance (6)...