8A In Ancient Greece, relating to the underworld. Unusual in beginning with four consonants, the first two of which are not pronounced. -h-h-n-a- 26A Adjective formed from the name John, used in...
I am stuck with two if the other answers are correct 70 down - cooks in hot water vapour - anser I feel should be 'steams' but letters i have is S . G . M . 112 ACROSS - exceeded or surpassed. etters...
20 across - Debauched, depraved - I have D.S.D... 18 down Mythical creature. I have ...C.E. I feel stupid not knowing these so PLEASE help a stupid person
2 left so please help. 25d a 600 mile long river in east canada flowing into the atlantic(9) C?U?C?I?L 38d embroidered vestment worn by priests in ancient israel (5) ?P?O?
This is my last question and I just cannot fathom it out - Group of ancient deities, protectors of seafarers, whose cult spread in the Mediterranean....C.E.R.
page 74-now for something different. i have made such a mess i cannot now even read the questions. i absolutely have no idea of the answer. if anyone here gets the t.a.b. mag please, please help me on...
I haven't got a DVD, so I am unable to pursue this 'hunt'. Has anybody cracked this weeks clues and is prepared to share the information ? The 'bottom-line' I suppose is that the Mail on Sunday will...