struggling with last one any extra clues appreciated 9 letter word coined french scholars from latin word direct denotes full and direct state control of a countries economic and social institutions,...
20th century sex symbol film star chose a stage name ,the surname of which began with the first four letters of her real forname, and the forname of which ended with the last three letters of her...
#39 What two-word Italian musical term, which means 'with movement' in English, instructs that the music should be played in a lively and brisk manner.Cannot find a two word phrase that encompasses...
61. What old fashioned word means the way someone is dressed, usually in grand or formal clothing, is also the name of a sweet tasting tropical and sub tropical fruit.
Everybody else except me seems to have the answer to this one!! Even my football mad husband & sons don't know, and I'm now going crazy, any clues or pointers would be gratefully received!