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I used to buy this from a supplier at a show, but was not able to go this year, any help appreciated.
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My daughter is living in a shared house with a locked bedroom but wants insurance as she cannot afford to loose things like her laptop etc. The others in the house are not interested so she will have...
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I have several of these as houseplants, they grown and produce young rapidly, I have given them to church fetes etc still have loads, does anyone know what I can do with the smaller plants, I know...
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Our neighbours have a lovely bamboo plant and we have taken some cuttings in the hope that we can get a plant to fill a gap in a neighbouring fence. Anyone out there got a clue how we can do it.?? Any...
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Looking for products called Flower Soft Colouring/Coloring which is a type of dye/paint various colours, to use for backgrounds for papercrafts. Does anyone know of a shop that sells either in store...
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I am an avid reader but have not read anything by the above author is anyone a big fan, can you let me know which books are worth reading, your favourites, thanks in anticipation...
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I need to know more about geneology in the USA, hope someone can help. Are US census records available online. Also is it possible to check B DM in the US. Any advice appreciated.
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We used to have two hedgehogs in our garden until recently when we suspect the spell of hot weather in the summer did for them. Does anyone know of a midlands based centre that might want to rehouse...
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I have made some home made cranberry vodka, it seems a shame to waste the berries when I drain them, any idea if they can be used in a cake. If so can anyone supply a relevant recipe. Many thanks in...
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Can anybody help me please trying to find a word that means "to substitute one word for another in order to soften the impact eg Sleep not dead, chubby not fat. Does anyone know what this type of word...
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I went to a show at the weekend and tasted some commercially made onion marmalade which was nice. However, having won free tickets to the event and not having alot of spare cash the deals was too much...
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We have lots of widefall apples to use, we have made pickles etc. I wondered if I could make a pie filling and freeze it? If so does anyone have a recipe that they have put in the freezer that worked....
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I have a mouthguard to prevent me grinding my teeth, would like to find a wash solution to keep it clean, does anyone know of a good one and who supplies it. Many thanks for any responses...
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I have successfully grown chilli peppers this year but I face a dilemma, many are still green and I wanted to pick them before the frost, does anyone know how I can get them ripe quickly, I do not...
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I have a wiltshire staysharp knife in a self sharpening holder, trying to find something similar for my soon to be university student daughter. The one I have is not available in this country. I...
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Crossword answer clue is security breach L*A*S any help appreciated
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I have found two boys in the 1911 census and the same name appears on the WWI death list, how is it possible to check they are relatives and not just someone with the same name. Any help appreciated....
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Tracing one line back the mother is on the birth certficate the father is either blank of not known. She brought three of them up without a partner as far as we are aware and seems to have continued...
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Can anyone advise me how I could get copies of or search for BMD in the US, probably in the New York area. Any ideas appreciated....
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When I went to the toilet today passed something in my stool which looked like a small grape (light coloured) with a string type thing nearby, may have been attached. No pain or blood, any ideas, is...

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