my husband was molested as a child. he was 5-7 years old. his older sister would touch him and try to masterbate him. i feel bad for him. we have been married 9 years and his masterbating is...
Does anybody know the code to multi-regionerise my Sony DVP-LS500 DVD player, or alternatively link to a site that will tell me. i've googled it and found lists on kazaa, but cannot find the code...
I'm seeing a fantastic girl - been together about 3 years. Everything is great in the relationship - we get on better than anyone I know, very rarely argue, have the same sense of humour. Added to...
I have just seen Gothica (the movie with Halley Berry in it) and there is one point i dont understand... To my understanding the character Penelope Cruz plays is being raped/beaten by the Sherif, so...
Ok this is really annoying now, i've sneezed over 40 times today and i'm not even exaggerating... I think its just a cold but I couldn't even eat my dinner properly. It started from the back of my...
Should breastfeeding in public be banned or embraced as the most natural way to feed your child ? If breastfeeding is being promoted as the healthiest way to feed your baby and mothers are being...
ok my bf figered me twice and after the second time my urine really smelt...It still smells bad. so what do you think happened and how can i end the smell? if its the doctor does and adult have to go...