I have both IE and Firefox installed.At present my default browser is IE. Where do I go to change this to Firefox (and back again if wanted) ? I know it's in there but can't find it. I,m a non-techie...
To give you some background: I'm close to a guy I have known for about 4 months now, and we are going to start dating in Feb. We are not dating now since there are obstacles in the way of that, which...
hi good morning all couold anyone pls help me with 2 questions. 1 across - move leisurely without purpose in a bank of snow perhaps. ??i?t 1 down - rush headlong into a shabby bar ??v? thank you in...
Does anyone have any idea how to remove a slight warp from a two piece snooker cue? It's an old favourite and it would be such a waste to bin it. (It's beech by the way). Many, many thanks.
I'm puzzled. The AB logo has changed from how it was yesterday. Is it just me, have I done something or has it changed. I am confused. Can we expect to see changes like this more often? PS What flag...
Has anyone had problems with the agressive selling methods such as Sysguard. Two of my colleagues have had their PCs "taken over". The idea seems to be to stop you doing anything unless you...
Morning Tullia. You're bright and early!
No frost this morning. But winter will have it's last fling, it always does!
Half way through January already. Tempus fugit!
Have a good day everyone....
Was just about to go to bed when i heard the dreaded "huk,huk huk" sound coming from under the coffee table! didn't get there in time, hairball like a dead slug on the rug:-( any advice on...
I moved to London about 2 months ago and im having trouble sleeping at night. I went home for Christmas and when i came back i was sleeping fine, now everytime i go to bed i lay there and all these...
i wanna purchase doctor who seasons 1-4 recently.and find that okbuydvd offers this at the price of $59 with free shipping.much cheaper than other place.but i am not sure whether the quality of this...