I did a talk the other day to a class of Y5 pupils on our local Tudor history. I had set a Quizz prior to the day and on the day I picked a winner and the prize was the Roald Dahl Whopping Joke Book....
I have discovered MacGyver , he becomes more attractive with three glasses of Bacardi. Nothing like Magnum, Jay Hernandez is awesome. Something you have to compromise though. This is the question mark...
I asked for this category in 2004 and you sat here and ignored it! I’m running palaeography classes now so bring out your dead dinosaurs and I’ll teach you how to transcribe them....
Newsmax keep reminding me that Garth announced he’s performing at the fake inauguration. I knew he performed at Obama’s but I thought he’d stay out of it this time as 75 million Americans believe they...
Who shocked you the most by their inclusion and who were you surprised not to see in there? Disappointed Ben Affleck Is on there and shocked at Tom Hanks and Mick Jagger....
Can anyone find any precise information on this idea that Tik ToK is a China cyber attack on our cyber security? Specifically, if my two granddaughters both visit me and use my Wi-fi for their amazon...
Grandson suggested I watch it as he liked it and thought I would. I watched it last night. How the hell did my grandson relate to this movie! One of my fave living actors Timothy Olyphant (Dep...
Is no one interested in this sub- topic at all? I spend 7 days a week now heavily involved in family and local history and it is thriving in the real world.
Seriously? Has noone been following the polls and the rallies? Clinton might slither out of a prison term but that's the best she'll get this decade. Unless of course Obama really has given the...
It's amazing to read thousands of supportive comments from thousands of US citizens. They are loudly deplorable and wonderfully irredeemable. Then I read all the desperate shallow blah blah from that...
It's yonks since I've needed to do this but can you tell me how i can put an image from my laptop on here so that someone in the know can explain what the problem is with this bug i get everytime i...
Hey guys, I've stumbled on this one by accident, I went to DOWNGRADE my ancestry subscription from £19.99 a month Worldwide (Light nights mean less time researching) for a few months, anyway, as I...
Banshee is back soon for its last season. Ray Donovan too I think. walking Dead is into second half season 6 next week. Suits is into season 5. The last ship has another run on the way, so how did...
It has to be the worst yet. All this extra stuff that if you don't want to use you can take off. Why not start from the easy option. Let us add stuff If we want it. I've got it almost back to normal...