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is it legal to have a gun shipped over to the uk from the states???
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I lent my ex boyfriend approx 40k to help his business - this was through my bank and credit cards, i also paid off a lot of his outstanding bills to get him straight. This was supposed to be a...
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is it illegal to park on the other side of the yellow lines off the road
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Can i legally sell my property to my daughter for half its market value? She has ?130,000 to buy it but its worth around ?260,000. I am happy to sell it to her for 130,000 but not sure if I legally...
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ok my mate has done a really stupid thing, he had all these pis of his ex girlfriend naked and stuff and he emailed them out without thinking and shes under the age of 16 and hes over 16 could he get...
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I have an existing order in place where I see my son every other weekend and tow weeks in the summer. I need to chang the summer contact to 3 weeks. The mum is refusing on the basis that she needs to...
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I had an agreement to sell an online games account to an individual who i gave access before i recieved payment. He choose to pay a subscription for the account to the games company without asking me....
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My ex boyfriend has been charged with GBH with intent. He hit someone in the face he broke his nose, when the guy fell he broke his wrist. He thought the guy was someone else (not that is makes any...
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Can I obtain, under the Freedom of Info Act, details of a persons educational qualifications and where they obtained a relevent period of teaching (ie 12months teaching at higher education}. I have...

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