Obviously if it gets worse will go to doctor!! I've got a really niggly cough that feels like I've got something at the back of my throat. Its driving me mad, and I'm coughing so much its...
I would like my children to play in an adapted area in the back garden and want to cover it with bark but I don't know if slaters or other insects would be attracted to it.
HI i have a 6 month old pup and I am going away on sat my brother who my pup knows and loves is looking after her at his house I know he will take good care of her but i am worried that she will...
My son just asked me what my fave sweets were when i was little, too many to put on here as i loved ( and still do!) sweets but ones that stand to mind were spangles, crystal sherbet, pink...
When I was little, on hot days we would have boiled potatoes and salad for tea. The "salad" used to consist of a hard boiled egg and some lettuce cut up really small and sprinkled with sugar and...
just reading kags post reminded me when i was little mother force feeding malt extract with cod liver oil was this legalised torture or did you like it or was i the only one tortured in this manner ?
just reading one of the other threads mentioning navy blue PE knickers and was reminded of my old school uniform and wondered whether anybody else had strict school uniform rules. My secondary...
My 17 year old son failed the majority of his GCSE's, (not because he isn't bright, he was just lazy with coursework and revision) however he managed to get a place at college on a BTEC computer...
This is what I do Before I put things in the recycle bin.After I open tin food I wash the tin open both ends and peel the lable of and crush the can, I wash out sauce and wasing up liquid bottles Is...
How many stairs are there in your house ? You'd be surprised to find how many houses have 13. Do you count them each time you go up them ? And was Peter Cook right that if you don't get...
Here it is, the hardest question you'll ever have to answer. You have a choice, you can either keep your tv or keep your internet connection. Which would you choose? I'd keep the...
If you could go to only one other place in the world in your life where would you go and is it in your own country or somewhere else. I live in New Zealand and I would go back to the UK, where...