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Stuck on two 17 Across Aquatic animals in a river seen by crew (8) 16 Down Split section in legal document (8) Many thanks...
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Hello EVers, I am amazed I actually have a fully populated grid, and in accordance with the "highllighted" grid letters. As a total philistine I had not heard of 7d, nor his works. I am still somewhat...
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We have a Housing association house, have been in it for 39 years. Assured tenants. Can we transfer the tenancy to my son? He moved out to a house share , but is having problems with the other people...
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22a. Nut to satisfy the boy at 23, by the sound of it. (7) ....e.t (23 is libertines)...
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9a. Corn reportedly in a row (6) s.r.a. 27a. Recording of affair entrapping one (6) .i.i.. 29a. Father meddles with Time (6) .r.e.....
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This is a seriously good crossword. Nothing too hard but full to bursting with thematic material, something to smile at in every clue. Wonderful stuff, Ranunculus. I can't say I completely understand...
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25d Stated number in addition (3) T?O I've put TOO but as the clue reads it could just as easily be TWO!!! 24a Article in list, something cook might need(7) R?A?T?R Have put ROASTER because ROTA...
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This web-site keeps disappearing in else does! Have got most of the clues finished but think I might be a bit awry on the entries as the perimeter looks a bit gobble-de-gooky...
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First, Happy New Year to all EVers! Spent between Christmas and New Year in London at the flat without internet connection, which was actually quite refreshing, until back home when there were lots of...
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7a common bird 5 ***a, 15a digging tool 5 *p*h* & 1d compose ***a*r i have 2d as bad faith thanks...
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I intend boiling a Gammon Joint on Christmas Eve, I have been told that Bay Leaves improve the flavour. Anyone know how many leaves to use. It is a small/medium joint/ Many thanks...
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12Ac Crimean port does not let through retuning israeli actor I have ???A?T?P?? Many thanks in advance
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I have two I can't get and two need conformation, any help appreciated. 27ac Point on south coast enemy finally secured in invaders, initial objective. 6 & 4L -E - - - - / - E - D. 21dn Material from...
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4d Aussie politician with monarch getting guide on board (6) R??G?? TIA...
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We are wondering where that lively crowd of EV threaders has disappeared to. I think that as setters and solvers we used to really enjoy this thread. Where are you all? Please come back. We are...
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Weird behaviour. On one of my lappys, I have Windows 10, and Outlook Express 6 If I highlight a message, and click "Delete" ... Instead of moving the message to Delleted Items, OE6 just puts a "strike...
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I am assuming that this is about some English football team. (The words 'goal scored by the XI' rule out cricket.) I may be wrong. I know nothing about football. I tried to search for names of English...
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A couple of friends are off to Rome for the weekend - they asked if there was anything on my 'unmissable list' there. Without hesitation I said "You must go to the Capuchin Monks Crypt - it's the...
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Good morning 1a. Suitable site to develop for real estate (10) Thanks...
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What has happened the EV help& N & Cing? Or am { just failing to find the thread?? As someone who finds the EV a challenge, I am missing the great craik and help normally available n this site. Have...

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