....... missed me?????? I've had a right mare with A O Bloody L ...!!!! But you'll all be absolutely ecstatic to learn..... I'M BACK........ HI FOLKS.Ok, first of all..... what have I missed??????
What compilation album can i find the cover of the Leonard Cohen record please. I know Jeff Buckley covered it on his own album Grace, but does it appear on any other album please ?
A few years ago there was nothing on telly so me and mrs watched an old recorded film on VHS taken off the telly. It was a few years old and contained news at ten in the middle as it was recorded...
It was good to see you all this evening but as I've got they day off work tomorrow I'm going to do some late night DVD watching. Could you please pick one of these for me to watch:- Blackadder - any...
The power adaptor for my Sony VA10 laptop stopped working 22 months from date of purchase. I have been told that there would be a 2 year guarantee on this item. Can any one say if this is correct?
I am trying to remember a poem which I thought was by Auden or MacNeice, but having searched I am now not so sure. All I can remember are a few lines: "when from heaven we wend our...
Hi Gasman, Got CORGI inspector coming out on (would you believe it) christmas eve to get my CORGI card. Any tips on what to swat up on apart from how to make a good cup of tea and some nice biscuits....
When I was little my family and I used to go to my great-aunts for a very large gathering. We don't do that anymore as everyone has grown-up and got faimlies of their own. Christmas doesn't seem to be...
Has IAP been banned? Was it because of his support for TCL? Has the Ed gone too far this time? Will we ever know the truth? So many questions need answers.