My son and I are looking to stay in a hotel or inn in the London region that is reputedly haunted, and perhaps we may hear or see something! Can anybody suggest anwhere suitabily scary or...
Does anyone remember the advert (Vodafone, no contract, I think) were the hillbilly woman captures a guy (Wycliffe?). Where could I view it again? I love the bit 'Owwwwweeeee, I'm sweating like a P I...
I,m trying to find bargain flights from either east mids,liverpool or manchester to alicante in the back end of july.... Could anyone recommend websites or airlines for me to have a browse through.....
Can anyone tell me where I could purchase this licorice bar around the Wembley/North West London area please? Thanks... (OH and why is Licorice sometimes spelt with a Q?)
The National Stadium (Wembley) work in the same building as I do. The other day, Michael Owen got into the lift with me. This is the first time I have met him. Has anybody else met him, what did you...
I dont really get that Guiness advert and wot its about, the one with the guy that goes swimming and hugs the guy at the end, can anybody enlighten me?