i watched sky this lunchtime and Tony Benn made an interesting comment that Jack Straw's article was timed to take the heat off the army general's comments last week and to hype the British public-...
Trevor phillips has predicted race riots could be on their way. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/6074286 .stm Surprise surprise, I have seen this coming for years (as have others). This has been...
It has been reported that a Email has been circulated around the Greater Manchester Police, that if they have a warrant issued for the arrest of a Muslim, then they are to show sensitivity and not to...
There is a deliberate purpose to this madness. For weeks the people of the UK have witnessed the blatant demonisation of Islam. Evereyday in the papers we see reports of how the muslims are not...
Does anyone know what has happened to the two israeli soldiers allegedly captured by Hezbollah militia some time ago? My recollection of the event tells me that was the basis for Israel to go to war...
I have not been here long but get increasingly frustrated by the unhelpful and almost racist comments of some people on here. Why can't all the people in this country live in peace. To constantly pick...
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/london/6059 726.stm I find this really quite insane.... But that said I have seen some of the threads in News get really rather heated and have even nearly lost my...
Though not an actual question, this Sun article made many of our U.S. papers this morning! http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2-200648008 9,00.html Maybe I'll find my old kit bag and head east...
If the 14 yearold schoolgirl that has just been on the news, was fingerprinted and searched etc, does that mean she was arrested? I am unclear what she has been charged with? have we been told the...
What is the opinion of the Daily Mail bashers now? Should the Mail have published the recent interview they had with the head of the British Army, General Sir Richard Dannatt? Or should all this have...
Without condoning anything that has taken place in the past should he be allowed out of dentention to join a coalition government and help right the wrongs of the current absurb situation which can...
Now that Straw has got into the front pages (and lost all his ethnic votes from his constituency) what do you think he will do if a young white (or any other colour) woman comes to his surgery wearing...
When recording an album for Led Zeppelin, did Robert record vocals for a track in one take or were a number of takes cut and edited together? Curious as when singing Black Dog or any other high note...
do you think jackstraw was correct in his view muslim women should take off there veils, do you find it intimidating and causes Sepratism. i think it could be a security risk not to mention a hazard...
Which is the furthest place from the UK if travelling by car (only channel tunnel allowed). You cannot put your car on a ship or a plane (just the channel tunnel train). All high passes/snowbound...
Am I the only one to think that Tony Blair is a good PM ? Is the only reason he is being ousted , Iraq ? Well I'd like to ask, when he took us into Iraq/Afghanistan, which incidentally was AFTER 9/11...