The Fish quiz. the following are crytptic clues to different types os fish. Any ideas anyone?
1/ colourless temptation
2/caused trouble to Jeremy Fisher
5.5 yards
is this a gobstopper?...
8a/ down the side of Angola without a turn (5) ?l?n?. 3d/just beat boy to nautical post (7) ???s?a?. If it is capstan what is 6s/old country taken in by that m an's range ? (6) ?i?a?a??? ( I have...
11a/ job,task (6) S?r???.17a/ commandment or direction given as a rule of action (7) ?g?c?p?. 21s/ the only word in the english language ro be pronounced the same way even if the last 4 letters are...
All clues lead to a building or part of a building. The number in brackets after each clue indicates the numer of letters in the answer. 1 Friend and winner (6) 2/ singular film title (7,4) 3/ nearly...