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Does anybody own one? Are they any good? Where can I get one? Thanks.
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Any ideas for a fun/useful present to give a boyfriend thats leaving for university? ive already bought him a snazzy bottle opener...
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A slow dusty springfield song thats quite sad? Its hard to describe: at one point (end of chorus maybe) she sings several notes over one word sort of going down....?
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In freaky friday when Anna (jamie lee curtis) goes to play @ the gig & jake is there what is the name of the song they play and who is it by?! thanx :-)
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I am a massive Lord Of The Rings fan (aswell as an arthur fan). For obvious reasons i cant just keep on reading it over and over again throught the whole year however im finding it difficult find any...
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I have just polished off a bowl of Tune, Salad Cream and Branston pickle.....any time i eat it if anyone else sees it they go eeeuuugghhh! So what do you eat and love that makes everyone else want to...
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I need to get hold of some sombre, haunting even, classical songs. Anybody know any good ones?
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How many people from these legends can you name?
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Does anyone know the music used in the Tomb Raider Cradel of Life advert? I think it was also used on the Matrix Video Game advert.
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What are peoples favourite film and why?
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There was this newish video by aerosmith on Mtv quite a while ago and i was wondering if anyone knows what the name of the song was. The video looked kinda space-agey and futuristic and featured steve...
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What is your favourite word?
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Since we are on a cooking theme! How many do you have? 0? 10? 100?! How many do you use?
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Where do you get your books from? I found I was spending a fortune buying new books which I read in a couple of days so now I mostly use libraries or borrow of relatives' shelves. Any other tips?
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Has a new 007 been cast yet and are they making another film?
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Whats everyones favourite classical piece? I have two - Clair de Lune, Debussy. Aquarium , Saint Saens.
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cats and it doesnt have to be explained, they are just the better ones.
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will using baking soda on your teeth whiten them?? and where can you purchase over the counter stuff without the internet??
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Does anyone know the title of a song (maybe by the kinks?) that features a name 'Louis Louis' ? it might not be spelt like that though.

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