Good morning everyone - rather sticky here today, we're waiting for the promised deluge, all we've got so far is overcast and humid, tomorrow (Aussie Mothers Day) we've been advised to wear wellies if...
Good morning everyone - a bit on the cool side today, though after the rain we've had, I don't mind if it stays like this ... the last thing we need is strong winds to dry it out again !! and now to...
Today's competition is to use the name of a person/a film title/book title/food item/song title/just about anything, and alter it slightly to come up with a witty name for a quiz team. For example:...
Good morning everyone - another lovely sunny day today, the humidity has gone (thank goodness !! ) hopefully Autumn is really here !! Not sure quite what to make of these links - in a couple of cases...
Good morning everyone - sun's shining and the nip has gone out of the air, so it's a good one to be outdoors and doing things, and it's a long weekend into the bargain .... And now for the links, with...
Good morning everyone - weather can't make up it's mind today, one minute rain, then very gusty winds, then bright sunshine ...not really attractive to be outside, so the seedlings might have to wait...
Good morning everyone - well the sun is coming through after a couple of dreary days, no rain (bother it !!) just grey and bleak, lovely to see the sun again ...and the autumn leaves are just...
has anyone out there got any spare codes for the spoon offer currently running. the code is half way down the inside of the box in pink. i need to get 5 spoons, need 3 codes for each spoon, can't see...
10A Finds guilty after appeal ?e???v?c??
2d 15a was a literary one ?e??
4d Form of vocal production used by a male singer extend his range upwards ?a???t?o
Please Help! (a) "Verity or another girl beyond junction" (5 letters): ???R? (b) "Sparred, say, with said man on board for a few days" (9 letters) T???N?G?T . This one might end in NIGHT? (c) "Wave...
1. Win staple for her? (8) 2.Somehow trap one before intelligence service finds her (8) 3.Anyway, let a torch find her (9) 4.As brain is confused, can you find her? (7) 5.Maiden is engulfed (6) 6.Oi!...
Good morning everyone - well here we are, at the start of yet another month, as usual the year is galloping along, I'm still back at mid-February ( mentally ) and now the humidity has returned ... all...
We are having a similar competition to yesterday. What I want you to do is compose a SINGLE sentence (which must NOT be about biscuits or sweets) must must contain the name of a biscuit or sweet....
Right brainboxes, what you have to do today is write a single sentence (NOT about cars) but include the make or model of a car, new or old. For example: I had to get new specs because I couldn't...
Good morning everyone - and a very Happy Easter to All ....I hope you're all enjoying a relaxed weekend in fine weather and will, if not already, be covered in chocolate !! Now for the links - and I...