Good morning everyone - a bit on the windy side today, but the rain's staying away so we can get out into the garden and chase some of those weeds around - a bit of sunshine and they come from...
Good morning everyone - going to be a lovely day here when the sun warms up a bit, but the wet stuff returns tomorrow with a vengeance so Mr seeks is out there with his mower waking up all the...
Good morning everyone - well I hope it's a better one wherever you are's not too flash here as Winter has returned with with vengeance...lots of rain, wind, hail stones, you name it ...not worth...
Good morning everyone - the sun is shining after a pretty nippy night and some of the Spring flowering trees are out in bloom ....this part of Winter is not too bad !! Bit of a tricky bunch this...
Good morning everyone - turning into a lovely sunny day here so I'm off out into the garden ...roses to prune and soursobs everywhere !! At least my prunus trees are ready to burst into bloom,...
Good morning everyone - well the blustery stuff is back and I don't think the rain is far behind ... so much for the sunny warm weekend they promised !! And for the last weekend of July what do we...
Good morning everyone - it's a sunny day here which is quite a surprise ...we've had gale force winds and buckets of rain again, but with a couple of decent days in between, just to jolly us along !!...
Just nipped in to post this, I sure he won't mind me mentioning it's his 65th, although he might object to the Avatar, still it's only for one day and he did have a sense of humour last time I looked
Good morning everyone - well the sun is shining and there's no wind ....definitely a win/win for us after an horrendous few days of high winds and lots of rain and the biggest hail stones we've ever...
Good morning everyone - pretty bleak here today. with the threat of thunderstorms, wind, hail, rain, you name it, it's coming our way over the weekend .... no incentive to go outside and do anything...
Good morning everyone - still dreary so far, hoping for some sunshine so I can get out into the garden for a wee while today, but not too optimistic about my chances ...good reason to stay indoors...
Good morning everyone - sunny but very cold here today, woolly socks time ...don't think I'll be getting outdoors too much, but then you never know ...there might be a heatwave later !! Tricky...
Good morning everyone - well we're set for a sunny weekend after a very ordinary week, lots of rain and nippy nights, but much easier to get warm so I'm happy !! Now what's in store with these links -...
Good morning everyone - from a very chilly morning here in South Oz, where the temp is still hovering down in low single digits and the polar bears are wearing their woolly socks and very colourful...
Good morning everyone - well after several downpours and some very strong winds, we have the makings of a half-decent weekend and as it's a Public Holiday, that makes it even more enjoyable.... and...
Spoiler if you haven't watched tonight's so click off... I never ever watch this but have just caught the last 5 minutes. Who has died that has so many staff standing round and crying? Must be a big...
Good morning everyone - a lovely sunny day here, after a nippy night ....promises a spell in the garden, combating the weeds which grow faster than anything after the lovely rain we've had, so I'd...