Last two
28ac One killing rap piece 3,3 H?T ?A?
12ac Initially Oxonian English tutor is seen outside this theatre (5) O?E?N is it Odean?
Many thanks to all...
8dn See term for craft beers work with Miller 10,5 C?N?E?B?R? T?L?S 18dn One scoring something to lessen anxiety (8) ?O?P?S?R 16d After trials opening manage court and heart of proceedings without a...
More help please
5ac Still it can shock and ruin the reception (6) ?T????
14ac Fake flowers quality (10) R?IE?????
9dn Angry old bird (8) ?E?M???O
Last three 7dn X-Factor king splitting leaves lumps in throats (7) G?I?R?S 11ac Expensive kind of shirt in shops wrapping (5) S?E?P is it STEEP 22dn A car manufacturers plant (5) E?T?S TIA yet again...
Stuck on quite a few all help greatly appreciated 6ac Stories unchanged in a western reading (5) S???S 10ac Spoilt, after acquiring island with wife (7) ??R???D 13ac What leads to associating with...
Last five (I think) many thanks to all 13ac Team turned around court orders (6) E?I?T? 25ac Hesitant when changing article in dairy (7)D???E?Y 11ac Fairy about to be given a small jumper ?L?A 15dn...
1dn Turn up carrying scrap alloy(7) C?M?I?? 3dn Turning away false people (10) A?I?N???O? 4dn Shorten log joke for an audience (6) D?G?S? 5dn Of weather, excite when cold has gone (8) C?I?A?I? 8dn...
Stuck on last four all help appreciated 21ac One might get completely smashed at traditional meal in Greece 6,3 D?N??? S?T 24ac A painful swelling produced by one rodent (6) A?O??? 20dn Valencias...
Last three I think!!!
24ac Part of trout really is flaky (5) O???E
21dn Moulding one into 2 badly (6) ?C?T?A
25dn to search for a suitable appointment (5) ??A?L
thank you all...
18dn Enclosure at back of house contains snake returned from years ago (8) ?L?????E 21dn Moulding one into 2 badly (6) ?CT??? 23dn Transport system held up by inspector temporarily (5) M???O 28ac city...
7dn A way to promote the use of off-road bike (5,4) C???? ???H
6dn Sporting description of ball in goal (6) O?????
4dn policeman arrests an international grass (5) P?N??
last four many thanks to all 27ac Pull in topless bar surrounded by topless men(4) E?R? 28ac Change new schedule that's upset dynamo (10) ?L?E?N???? 24dn Royal supporting art gallery - King Edward,...