If Charles and Camilla get married, when he becomes King, she will (have the right to) be called Queen, then how come Prince Phillip isn't called King??
I'm about to finish the Da Vinci Code. It's the first Brown book i've read, and I'm absolutely loving it - thanks to everyone who recommended it. I'd love to read another book by Brown - anyone...
1) A forceful verbal attack; a piece of bitter criticism. (8) 2) Northern French city in the Champagne-Ardenne area (5) 3) A light sub-machine-gun, formerly used in the British army, is the _ gun (4)...
please can you help - my head is getting 'minced' up!! city in cental poland associated with the tectile industry - 4 letters - --z rock music journalist whose books include need and yes we have...
I have been given a beautiful purple Cordyline as a present. It is a large plant, therefore for the patio. How should I care for it? I live in Scotland & I am also concerned about it's wellbeing...