q1 village of knighted ghandi film star(8) q2 search for bread!(8) q3 a fortification before a crossing point(10) q4 cross the river here and pay finally on foot ! (7) q5 take one step and your...
q1 first place for turkeys (7) q2 search for bread (8) q3 cross the river here and pay,finally on foot(7) q4 where a castle adorns a cake(10) thanks for any help
q1 excessive imbibing but theres no pub(5) q2 take one step and your there(7) q3 a sea breeze inland(8) q4 hornblower sounds at 21.00 hours(5) q5 a place for broken crockery (8) thanks for help
1. TAALLCT (written midway in a box) 2. BUSINES ( " ) 3. HUN GDR AWN AND (each 3 letter word in the 4 corners of a square, starting top left, top right, bottom left and bottom right) 4. PMAD...
Each answer is a 2 word phrase, each word beginning with same letter. Any help appreciated. 31. day 5. / 5. date: 41. paper 5. / 4. corn: 67. 6. camp / last 6: 75. news 5. / jack 5: Any help...
please could anyone help with a few clues please for the missing words. each one makes a new phrase both beginning with same letter.... 1. gutter --------(5)safety------(3)...
52. Where might you find Old Gem the scarecrow? 62 Back in 1939 they weren't in the Good Life. 87Who asked "Have I won a prize?" Was it the tortoise after he beat the hare? 100 High rise...
All the answers are food and drink no number of letters given please can you help 4 "That's my boy" 11 Fed up 12 Have nothing at all 21 Gossip heaard here 26 In an uncomfortable situation 28...