Apparently we are , men that is , supposed to tuck our shirt in on the left and leave it out on the bright like beckham. Its supposed to accentuate or knob. So guys now you know eh ?
Had great time on here tonight. Had som egood ebate and exposed a few users as nothing more than troublemakers. Good to see them in theri true light. Well im off at midnighta s i dont wanna hanga...
Wellll in your opinion when are you too old ? And why? Im wondering how this will relate to you and your age. If you wanna post your age with your answer it might help for comparisons.
This week kylie is 40. Shes had a turbulant love live what with michael hutchence an d also had her cancer scare. Will kylie ever get married and walk down the isle as happy as she looked with jason...
Did the moonlanding actually take place? In your opinion of course? If you agree or disagree with this what do you use as evidence of it or to disprove it?
Whu does tomorrow follow today ? Why doesnt tomorrow precede today? Then today you could change what you did the day after tomorrow. As that would indeed be today .tomorrow .
just heard her latest single on oasis fm. shes apparently a very young singer from the blackpool area and hhas won plaudits from tthe local papaer the gazette. her new singhle is very good and you...
If you say something that is the total opposite to what youve just said. Does that mean youre contradicting yourself? Or are you merely questioning your beliefs? Such as questioning your faith? Many...
Are users really that interested or fixated even on the intimate workings of certain users relationships with men ? Do users believe all they read here ? If they do does that make them smart or less...
Are we alll lost and lonely souls here? Are we antisocial and prefer to mix with faceless people online rather than interact face to face in the everyday world? Are we introverted and use the internet...