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I have some surface scratches on brushed stainless steel cooker (near the knobs) - anybody know of anything good to buff them up? Make dissapear please?
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UEFA said tonight that Glasgow Rangers are the best team in Europe, bacause their Domestic and European success."..They are a credit to the rest of Europe"said UEFA spokesman Olof Prail. What do you...
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Not really sure if this is the correct catagory to ask this question but here goes. Does anyone know how much it would cost to have a marble headstone in a cemetry restored, by restored I mean cleaned...
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I know it's not likely but if the Channel Tunnel collasped or split where would all the water go?
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I have heard rumours that microsoft are goin to stop MSN Messenger for macs! Is this true? if so, why?
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Basically this guy is running around and all around him is darkness and he's running in the direction of the light and we hear the lyrics "When I wake up try to rid the shake up putting on my make...
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dave m
would u survive this if u jumped the millisecond the lift hit the floor.....this is drivin me insane!!!!
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Does anybody know the title of the song featured in series 1 episode 2 when Daisy and Tim have the housewarming party, it's the warm up music - Daisy sings along with the lyrics "Hot dog,...
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In this film, Michael Mann gives the night-time scenes a kind of eerie blue glow, and in the day-time scenes, he gives Los Angeles a stark, washed out grey feeling. In all the other LA set fims I've...
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I'm about to finish the Da Vinci Code. It's the first Brown book i've read, and I'm absolutely loving it - thanks to everyone who recommended it. I'd love to read another book by Brown - anyone...
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in which year was the skateboard invented
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Who invented the thumb screw?
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Halcyon?? What does the word mean??
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whats the best ever album in the world ever?
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Was the lion king originally a disney film or a play that diney made into a film cos there is the play aswell? wat was made first?

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