we are told by scientitsta the universe was created by a big bang and the universe is constantly expanding as a result of this, but what thing banged in the first place, surely by the laws of nature...
In Oregon, to kick things off with luck, This competition always starts the same: With an official screaming loudly, "Let 'er Buck!" What is the competition's name?
My Dad has a galvanised steel water-tank in his loft which has been there for at least 35years. He is worried that this will need to be replaced as the tank will eventually rust through - or worse,...
My car has recently been caught on camera doing 36 in a 30 zone. The car is insured for 3 people and although I have viewed the photographic eveidence it does not identify the driver. I truly cannot...
If it was possible to drill a hole say 100 meters in diameter through the dead centre of the Earth and I was to jump in, what would happen? What would happen if I came through the other side? Ignore...
why do people consider these things as a "cycnical revenue collecting exercise"? (as stated two questions down) what a load of bollox if you did 30 in a 30 zone and 40 in a 40 zone then there would be...
I have a fairly expensive Seiko watch which has a chunky metal strap. Both are some 10 years old now and the strap is obviously rather dirty (gunge inside the links). Without risking damage to the...
How do I keep my palm tree from growing any taller than it is now? It's about 10', and it's twin brother right next to it got to be 45', which I've had removed. Both palms were planted at the same...
How can I stop wasps coming into the house? I get bad allergic reactions to wasp stings. I have a one year old daughter and I worry that she will have the same type of reaction.
could we have a section for under 18s.so if they have relationship problems there own age group could help them out a lot better than us older ones could.and they would not get sarcarstic remarks like...