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Please can you tell me why my thread below has gone literally Tapas up and no-one apart from sees the obvious anomoly?? I posted Tiggy Legge-Bourke and I know I did -so are there trolls at work?...
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I bloody love big thighs on a man -one of the main reasons I married H. O and also fancied Graeme Souness -phew!!!!! So which body part does it for you -all fetishes welcome :)...
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Anyone been? I have spent all day in Edinburgh with my son and we all went to Costco as he has a company card. Well- somethings are actually more expensive that Asda Tesco etc BUT what a fantastic...
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Hope you have a lovely day Joy and Bill is spoiling you. xx
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Poor old Gordon Brown. Having to cross swords with that woman. I sympathise with her in her grief, but she came across as a nasty piece of work on the news. Anybody else see the interview.?...
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talk about mountain out of a mole hill for god sake it was an m in stead of a n the guy cant see properly to write.anyone else would have accepted it was a simple error .well everyone i know...
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e-mailing the Ed?
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i have been asked to take part in the research and study of heart disease at my age i wonder is it all worth while bearing in mind i am nearly eighty would it help the younger generation if i took...
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Did anyone else notice that when G Brown laid his wreath, he didn't bow his head? Just shows what he thinks of those who gave their lives!
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Has Man-On-The-Top-Of-The-Clapham-Omnibus been banned? Me thinks not and up yours who think that he has. And as for the new swear filter hah that is just a joke...
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Everybody who posts on this thread is very smutty
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Have you any idea where I can get one?
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hi all, did anyone see the jeremy kyle show recently where a man was accusing his own brother of stealing £40,000 from his house while a family wedding was taking place and then other members of...
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hi all ab´s anybody out there who can help me and my loved one enjoy our stay to the maximum when we go to edinburgh on friday for a weekend. we dont have a car, so we´ll be on shankes...
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a porn mag being paid for?
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Madeleine's mother on news ................we have to be there for her WTF? she wasn't there................... that's why she disappeared .......
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your thoughts please
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Bye it was nice knowing you all. I have my finger on the pin of a hand grenade and if the ed don't unban knobby and legend then i'm gonna pull it cause i'm 18 with a bullet. Oh fuck sorry I have just...
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took tina out tonight we heard firewotks in the distance but suddenly one of the ones that make a screeching noise went up as soon as she heard the sound she ran luckily straight back home so we didnt...
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Ever since I was a little lad (from early 1950s) I have been fascinated with Regiatration Plates. I used to go out with my Father in his Wagon, certainly during the school hols & to help the...

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