I have lived and worked in the UK for over 10 years paying national insurance and tax. If I was to return to New Zealand can I get some sort of credit towards qualifying for the New Zealand State...
Does a parent company if it purchases another company to operate under it have to pay redundancy for the years of employee service prior to its purchase? Also can the parent company which now owns and...
I have had an extraction and have a missing tooth. My dentist can order and fiit a larger or double crown on the neigbouring tooth. Is this a good lasting idea and could pressure on the gap tooth with...
Are pineapple juice/red grape juice healthy (not from concentrate)
Both contain fruit sugar and are processed?
I am looking for a healthy alternative to cola and energy drinks....
Hi I am considering buying a wireless optical mouse. Just wanted to know what people think of them compared to the wired optical mouse that is powered by the laptop etc. Can they be used on a tablet...
As you get older crowns can come loose and the base tooth eroded so that it no longer can support the crown. Is it better to bridge the gap with the surrounding tooth or if affordable go for single...
Is it better to bridge or opt for an implant for missing teeth? Taking a long-term view. As you get older you can get a full lower and upper denture that can be fixed in place by screws. Any ideas on...
Is there such thing as destiny/fate or is it cause and effect/choice that determines the outcome of our lives and our life luck? You can buy the lotto/raffle ticket, scratchcard or enter the...
I have developed a sweat rash or eczema on the inside right arm elbow area and get tiny lumps on my outside ar elbow area. I wear a t-shirt most days with a nylon parker which I can sweat in as this...
I am thinking of buying a smart phone for the first time from the vodafone website (nearly new) and putting in a sim card/or pay as you go. The nearly new phones I am looking at are: (around the £75...
Repairing Laptop dvd drive mount spring-loaded plastic cap when it comes off.( Plastic spring loaded circular mount the cd/dvd clips onto. Can you order a new part or simply try to superglue it back...
How do you repair laptop/netbook scratches?
Have dropped a mug on my netbook and it scratched the silver/chrome
finish. Is there a good product that can do this best?
How do you tihe correctly from monthy income e.g. wages/salary given you attend church around 4 times a month and give an oferring in the collection plate each week. Can you split the tithe into four...
Are the new folding (Brompton) bikes any good? What is the best size 20" or one of the smaller bikes. I am a man of 16 stone and about 6ft in height. Any thoughts, lessons dos and don'ts? Thank...
We know a healthy diet and weight loss through non-impact exercise e.g swimming, cycling etc is key to arthritis prevention and cure. If you have osteo-arthritis and your hip bone/joint has become...