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Hope skies might be clearer tonight
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Did anyone ever work out who he was, surely that can't be his real name.
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But I think I've eaten too much, I feel sick! When will I learn?!
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Who composed the symphony called Antarctica?
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........I had recently with some mates. As pigs will eat anything, would it be wrong to feed them pork? Opinions?...
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what is the weather tempature in greece in june please thanks...
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i has not consented to this and has been finding suspishus white marks ins my underwears is there anyways i can proves thees?
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ever thought about having a big meetup/gathering? would be quite interesting to put faces to the names dont you think?
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don't seem to mean anything. Like 'in this day and age' - why not just 'these days'? or 'horses for courses' or 'at this moment in time' . 'To tell the truth' - does that mean they don't always, so...
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Please could somebody help, I enter a men only cookery competition every New Year's Day. It's a very good standard and the best I've ever done is to come 3rd. Could somebody please supply me with a...
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Kriistine Okay this guy is just being questioned at the moment but you must admit he certainly looks dodgy and this got me thinking about many other past serial...
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Has your ex come to pick the kids up yet? I don't think you specified a day. If so, how'd it go with the whole licence thing, and if not, tell us what happens when eh does come.
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Sorry for such an odd question but I wondered the other night what would happen if one of the Astronauts murdered another astronaut on the moon or on the spacestation? How does the law work in space?...
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How do they fare over normal steel ones and what's the pros and cons?
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A day or two before christmas on our local itv news a reporter was at a shop. there was a man looking ironing board covers for a present for his wife. The female reporter suggested not to get them but...
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Could anyone tell me the name of the pub as you are travelling from rochdale on M62 towards the M1, the pub is to your right and raised up very old with little square windows. I know it is a long shot...
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It seems that workshy scum and other benefits are costing working families £3k each per year. So how delighted are you to fund the fags and white lightening of work shy scum? Time to stop...
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Hi. I have the problem of my nose feeling bunged up during the night. I bought some nasal openers from Betterware. The opener is only small and it is shaped like a horseshoe and it has a little nodule...
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I ordered an item from a website with a base in the united kingdom on the 23rd November, the main supplier being in Germany. It was sent through Hermes Germany and arrived in the United Kingdom on...

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