Think I will give jaydah's joke a wide berth as no doubt there will a fatwa announced over his yarn Another Pearly Gates on though. Pavarotti goes into Heaven and up to the Pearly Gates where he meets...
I know chocolate is supposed to be poisonous for dogs. But my Lbrador has just snaffled 6 cadburys chocolate biscuits, how much is the fatal dose ? Little sod nearly got a pack of choc mini rolls as...
My wifes mother has been blackmailing me for the last two years, it all started when me and the wife gave her a spare set of keys to get into the flat. One day she caught me wearing my wifes...
Have any of you got into the habit of clicking on an unrecognised name to look at the questioner's profile before answering the question? I have - and so many times I find the culprit 'suspended'....
I can remember once reading that passenger jets in the future will be taken up by a rocket to the edge of space and then the passenger glider released where it would glide to the earth. Can anyone...
I have lobscouse and hahnium but the h with hahnium clashes with the b from lobscouse - Am I going mad or is there an alternative answer?
Many thanks...
I came back from spain in august and unfortunately did not use a condom whilst having sex and have now contracted genital warts which started off with one or two small ones and have no erupted in...
I'm doing some cooking for a couple that have traveled around the world and have had many strange and weird meals from around the globe and I want to get some exotic meat but only if it's legal. My...
Thank you for help so far, still looking for these 2. left one of the five 3. indicate that the rot has come 4. a Roman general 5. climb 6. did not return from the water 7, the French devil is pale...
I've been thinking about a new TV and particularly the 32" Sony Bravia. I've seen one model for £350 to £400 and another one for £650. Can anyone explain why the huge difference...
Is it ok as I know it's freezing outside but that's why god gave them fur right? I just want to know would it be ok from predators as it's pretty aggressive and may be able to attack a rat but I'm not...