Officers to lead British and German forces, 3-5 T--(the?) -r-s- This will then give me the last letter of 22d on understanding greek as poetry primarily (5) and g-a-- many thanks this "apres-midi...
Are there any Llama farms in Watford or has there been any reports on escaped Llamas? Ill tell you why Earlier on a close friend was bitten by a Llama or Alpacha she said she was walking the dog when...
I'm struggling to decide what to get OH - ideas so far include a sat nav, blu ray player, and a tv for his new 'boys room' - but for some reason, I'm not convinced by any ideas as yet. I know I've...
I've come to the realisation that we, as a nation, finally cannot take any more. We are being infested by 'people' who come to this green and pleasant land trying to subvert our culture and ruin the...
Minus 26 with the wind-chill, and blowing snow. If you're going to join me at the bar later on you'd better dress warmly: especially if you're a smoker or a toker. I imagine I will get blown across...
It was closed entering the protest and then 38 seconds right in the middle of the attack you can see it opening and staying open for a while with Camilla right there???
Wasn't that the most unconvincing and unrealistic crash and aftermath anyone's ever seen? The effects of the recession could clearly be seen by their special effects budget and what's with all the...
I am from Slovakia and i work in warehouse for three years and study at University. I was never interested in any of the companys'parties till yesterday where i had fun with my friends on christmas...