1a He is, or could be, the provider pf Chrsitmas stockings (6) H----- (hosier?) 4a puts down children's party drinks (8) aqua---- 9a Drink - the Christmas sort? (6) sherry? s----- 29a Often drunk at...
Having worked abroad for many years in various parts of Europe it was very apparent which vehicles had winter tyres fitted in cold conditions and which did not. Most countries are now making it law...
http://www.dailymail....r-Prince-Charles.html So what's the best way to fund the royal family - civil list or crown estate profits? Or is there a better way of funding the royal households - like...
I don't Want to have a preview of the Queen's Speech!! Why do they do this?
I want to sit down and listen to it on Christmas Day like I have done for the past 60 odd years....
Merry Christmas! I would like to collect together as many rubbish christmas-cracker style jokes as we can. Remember, they've got to be short enough to go on an unreasonably small piece of paper in...
In an earlier post I mentioned the Scandinavian Woodcocks on the East Coast of Yorks. Food supplies in the woods must be getting thin as they are now in the gardens.
Superb plumage patterns....
she has been feeling rather tired and fed up just lately the doctor says she has an ''iron defiency''....well thats her christmas present sorted then....
I have a fairly old Sanyo TV set, and tonight when I turned it on - it made a horrible loud screeching noise - very high pitched - as though it was about to explode. I have just turned it off - but...
Does anyone know if there will b a modern version of this film? i just cant get use to watching it in black and white. i loved the book and watched it when i did my GCSE on it many years ago... ouch...
My husband who has diabetes has very swollen feet which are icy cold. He is on medication for High Blood Pressure and is taking very strong painkillers for nerve ending pain. Is there anything he can...