Last two 50d artificial oyster bed ---T ---W [4 letters] 26d charitable organisation that gives clothes to the poor D -- R -- A -- S -- C --E -- Y [6 & 7 letteras] Durham Society ? grateful tks for...
Hello! Can anyone help with the following two clues, please....4d Imagine a profit will change one's opinion (5,5) I have th?n? a???n; also 17a An attack to be faced?(7) I have?r?n???. Many thanks....
Finding it tricky today. 12A Some outline area starting in Asia ----/---T 24A New situation in Rugby perhaps _A_L/_A_L [ I'm sure one word is BALL] 23A Support with evidence record in detail S-C-----...
9d plant with tiny blue flowers related to borage,comfrey and hound's tongue (6-2-3)
?O?G?T ?E ???
28a type of silk woven with warp & weft different colours,iridescent appearance (4) S???...
completely stuck on the last few .... 10a where we live, a phrase added for emphasis (2,5) o? ??r?? 23a fool that represents American party (3) a?? 26a attachment to building, one put in by wine...
My automatic Windows update keeps trying to install Microsoft.NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1 security update but fails to do so. I'm sure I can live without it but how do I stop it telling me it...
Dear All, We've collected together all your suggestions and put them into one big list. We're intending to filter them out by national/local weekly/daily etc so that we can have a better understanding...
Dear All, I hope you are well. We are hoping to put together a complete directory of all crosswords, puzzles and quizzes which The AnswerBank users participate in. We wondered if you could help our...