I live in sheltered housing comprising 29 flats. We have secure door entry in place whereby visitors enter a specific flat number on a key pad at the main entrance, and the occupant (if in) then...
Exactly what is the problem with the Sunday Mail You Mag, Sunday Mail £1,500 crossword and the Daily Express Big Monday crossword? For years I have been completing crosswords. I am 64 and enjoy the...
a friend is employed as a cleaner at Asda, the company sub contracts to a firm called 'asda aces' she works 5-00am thru 2-00pm 5 days a week and has Tuesday/Wednesday off. Some years ago she got into...
Hi my windows 7 laptop as crashed. I am now running windows vista on a reserve laptop with talktalk broadband as my sp. email is yahoo. Have IE running. I have opened BitComet site and find that I...
Running windows 7 on laptop, talktalk wi fi, IE, 'google' as main search engine. My cd/dvd r drive wont play cds's or vids, or let me burn, any way I can check what the prob is without taking into...
I have a Toshiba laptop with 'windows 7' and use 'talktalk' wi fi broadband as my isp. I use internet explorer - 'google' as my main search engine and yahoo as my email provider. I am repeatedly...
when I enter a site, yahoo email, google sporting life to pick my horses out etc, I get a message saying "....... is not responding due to a long running script" what does this mean please? I have...
the song 'Tweeter & The Monkeyman' from the 'Travelling Wilbury's' box set, what was the name of the 'monkeyman's companion? I thought it was jan, but this is wrong. Is it the 'undercover cop?' Thanks...
I had a colonoscopy mid January and polyps removed, tested and benign. Have had diarrhoea +++ since last November which was reason for colonoscopy, also had gastroscopy hernia found but no major...
I have yahoo email and want to send some picture files to a friends M.P. I have compressed the pictures into a zip folder but the size is 197mb. Yahoo says I can send an email and attach files up to...
had a heart attack July, waiting for MRI scan, on these meds. ramipril, aspirin, amlodipine, atorvastatin, bisoprolol, lansoprazole. started with diarrhoea six weeks ago, put it down to tummy bug. now...
My laptop Fujitsu esprimo windows 7 has deceased. The hard drive is still good and has all boot files/programmes in place. I am 'making do' with my knackered' packard bell running windows vista. If I...
anybody got repair manual for esprimo mobile v6500 laptop please? Fujitsu not helping at all, utube repair videos all in spanish, what is it with this sh*t hole of a country when EVERYTHING has to be...
I have an esprimo mobile v6555 laptop packed in. comp man done tests said dc socket knackered. can buy dc socket on ebay for less than £5 comp man said he wouid need £100 + to replace because of...
Difficult one! ecigs are becoming more popular and I know several people who use them. However, there seems to be mixed feelings among the general public. For example, my local pub allows them,...
I missed a superb programme last week and used catch up on iplayer on my laptop. It was called 'our girl' about a young R.A.M.C. recruit. I was a young male R.A.M.C. recruit in 68, and this film was...
Hi folks. A longshot I know but would anyone have a copy of 'where the buffalo roam' wednesday play hywell bennet about 1966 I think - dennis potter play. had copy on video but damaged and replaced...