Hi, I work in a care home and all the staff have to renew their CRBs. Mine must be 5years old now, some of the staff are even longer. I have not worked anywhere else in that time. My question is do I...
Do you have to get the mobile unlocked, before I can put the previous sim card in my new phone? I just know that a 10 year old will help me out please lol.
Has a clip of a celeb revisting where they used to live, tonights was Marianne Faithful. Anyone know what the music was as the clip finished. I could only make the words out as "I'm still here'....
Hi squad, could you help with this question please? If you start a Low Fat Diet, does the bad Bile remain in your Gall Bladder? Sometimes I feel so sick in the mornings and am putting weight on hand...
Article in the Daily Mail today, yet again on the benefits of Aspirin. So why can't we all take it? It also says consult your Doctor first? so what would your Doctor be asking you before you take it...
Can anyone tell me what happened to a horse trainer called GCH Chung, he used to train a Newmarket. Also whatever became of the Jockeys S.Golam and O.Urbina. many thanks.
Hi can cats suffer from arthritis or rheumatism? for a couple of days now it seems sometimes that my 12year old is limping? he is eating as normal, jumping on the bed etc. But every now and then it...
If I getting a different hourly rate for working Sunday's i.e. 9.30pm-8.am, would that sunday rate run through till 8am monday morning or would it just be to 12pm that night. Thankyou
Hubby dropped something (hoover) on his big toe weeks ago, now looks like the toe nail is going to come off, as it looks bruised under the nail. Anyone got any tips in how to treat it to hopefully...
Are they allowed to write prescriptions for antibiotics? On the odd occasion that I have been, there has never been any actual Doctors only Health Assistants. Thanks
You know sometimes your mind is so active, that your thinking about all kinds of things, what to wear tomorrow, what your having for dinner tomorrow, what happened last week. As soon as you lay down a...
Do you feed your cats? mine are getting so fussy, I'm forever picking the bowls up and changing it. Whiskas, felix, gourmet perle, sometimes they eat and sometimes they don't. Must admit it sometimes...
Hi can someone give me some information about enhanced pay? I work part time as a Care Assistant and get enhanced pay for Sunday Nights, my shift is 9.30pm-8.00am. I was told that enhanced pay of...
Hi microsoft installed some automatic updates on weds eve on my pc and since then I am ,unable to get any pictures from youtube,I have the sound but thats all. Anyone help please. Thanks