Despite living in LA and not bothering to vote in the Referendum, he still thinks that his...
Inspired by Sunny Dave's "good business names", how about a daft signs thread? Here's a couple for starters - both seen on the back of vehicles. But dont limit yourself to vehicles. A veg delivery van...
I know we've done this before - but this amused me :
Anyone got any more?
punny dave...
When car wouldn't start, when seen too he told us it's out of diesel which was untrue as we put diesel in and no light to indicate this but when left too fix it he told us he had too drain the diesel... a car parked across most of my drive which is pretty stupid considering how much parking there is to be had in this close.... Got my car out but can't get it back into the garage till she comes...
In the small community that I live in we have three foxes who come sniffing around during the day, they show no fear, my problem is the pooping all over the place, does anyone know of anything that I...
If you were given £500.00 to donate to one of the above, which one would you choose? I have mixed feelings, as millions are given every year to poor Country's, like India etc, so where is that being...
1) i nearly choked when i saw how expensive they were but decided to give them a go 2) why is the pack so big when there's so few inside? 3) o they actually work any better than conditioner - i think...
Hi good ABer's : Drive a family car , fully comp , 10 years NCD. legal protection etc. Another car went in the back of me , my big insurance company , that have been good up to this point, are trying...
This probably doesn't sound like much to most people but I walked over 10000 steps today, in January I was lucky if I walked 500! I feel so blessed to have this new start. Not a question but I know...
I have been working for the last few days on the Gower Peninsula. Today has been typical......I have come home with 6 fresh ducks eggs, some rhubarb and some wonderful looking Bramley apples, all from...
I always order this with my Tesco online shopping. Couldn't find it anywhere this week, just wouldn't come up in search. Contacted them and they've discontinued it! Does anybody know where else freely...