The Daily Mail's has in the past stated that its intention is to leave its readers "hating someone, or something". Yet, its readers seem to simply take the paper's bigotry and misinformation as fact...
Would the situation in Zimbabwe be more more news worthy & would the UN be (more) involved if the situation was reversed i.e. Blacks not Whites being persecuted?
I suffer from frequent nightmares, some quite horrific. I have tried many methods of curbing them. When discussing nightmares with a friends sister, she advised that I may have a bad...
Hello I am a buddist and believe in compassion wisdom and learning about myself this world and preparing myself for my passing. I have read little about compassion in Islam and most muslims I meet...
Does it hurt? How long for? And is it worth it? I am short-sighted and people tell me when I get into my 40's (not that far off!) my eyes will start to deteriorate...
The Victorians went to great lengths and made exhaustive scientific calculations to make sure that the application of the death penalty by hanging was humane; in so doing they abolished the...
I wonder if anyone can help me out... I have been with my boyfiend of nearly 2 years now, we are very much in love and at the beginning of us going out, he explained to me that he was a very religious...
THE UK Government has embarked on its most reckless policy to date in pursuing the idea of national identity cards. The initiative will fundamentally change the nature of government and the character...
have any of you people out their had anything strange happen to you that you cant explain,,,for instance in 1980 i was abroad and i took my daughter into a cafe it was empty,,anyway a lady came in and...
Hello In short in around 20 odd days I may or may not have to stop working and I will be unable to pay my monthly loan pay back money, this could last up to 3 months! I do not have insurance,...
I met a woman exactly a month ago today, and i really love her to pieces, is it too soon to tell her this? or should i wait till she tells me? i dont want to scare her off!!!
Personally, I thnk it's ridiculous that government should have to legislate to stop people over-eating etc, but it seems to me, more and more, that large sections of our society actually need to...
is this possible? to know that your able to become to love someone who your with, even though at the present time your no way, NO WAY there, as its too early. am i making sense? how about;...
Also known as the corruption of reason. What does it mean in language i can understand. I need to include it in a A level essay about moraity and religion. I have search far and wide and can't find...
During the Regan Administration, was the Star Wars programme cooked up to criple the old Soviet Union's economy hence they would take counter measure to do the same as America.