...not by a sinister type......but possibly a persistant and friendly member of the opposite sex...? Were you intrigued....or did you think 'no way!!!' Did you find romance......or was there no...
Well, I'm tired. I'm gonna climb the wooden steps andgo to bed with my Flintstones annual. Been fun here tonight, anyone staying on, enjoy, and knobbs, you ain't that bad you know.... Nytol
tonight's posts that the average CB poster either fancies a puppett, wants to get down and dirty with a cartoon character or knows about fish. Anyone learnt much else?
I love youse two I does. Now where else would you get one liners like this and you two have developed something on here that I can always laugh about and I have the deepest respect on here for both of...
Well, we're discussing the sexual virtues of Marina, so let's do cartoons now. Me, I'd do Jessica Rabbit and Betty Rubble. I was gonna say Betty Boop too, but she's just a tease.
Cause if it is I don't like fish do I. Anyway thank you all for listening to my pollocks that I have said tonight on here and I am shore that it wont be the last that you w'eel here from me. Oh ferk I...
Please don't fight over me mrs_overall Fri 07/08/09 20:47 knobbs might be a pillock, but he is OUR pillock poodicat Fri 07/08/09 20:48 you have him then mrs_overall Fri 07/08/09 20:51 erm.....I was...
I need to move a 13A double socket about 4 inches to the left of its present position. When I remove the "face" I hope to find sufficient slack cable to move this distance and would appreciate some...
Just posting a pointless thread so it can be infiltrated by mongs -thereby saving any peeps who genuinely render decent posts the bother of posting anything which will be null and void cos of fanoids...