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I have been in a relationship for about 20 months and my boyfriend I live together, love each other and usually really enjoy each other's company. However we row a lot. We can be having a great time...
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what food did they eat in the 60's?
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Putting my son through university is proving disastrous to my bank account! I enjoy cooking but the way I do it costs too much. Can anyone recommend a really tasty cook book that;s kind to the purse...
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Oompa Loompa
Does anyone know what the correct pronumciation of this sweet is? (Nugget or nougah?!)
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Hi, I am in year 10 and have to perform a speech, trying to persuade the class about whatever I choose. I am stuck on what to do the speech on though. Could anone help? I am not too good at doing...
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Not sure where this thread belongs; I guess it's a bit of a wild one. Within RE at the school I am a teaching assistant in, we are doing 'creation'. Does this mean the kids should be told Adam and Eve...
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I have a moral dilemma.A very good fried is fleecing the benifits system for thousands. He does some serious cash in hand work and only declares about ?10,000 of his annual income. He then gets a...

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