As above, is there a way to encourage birds into my garden? I sat outside early this morning with a cuppa, and could hear the birds tweeting away, but couldn't see even one. I've bought those little...
Having replaced carpet with laminate flooring in through lounge/dining room, how do you deal with the resulting 'echoing' in the room? This was an unexpected side effect of losing the carpet. If you...
Spring, at last, seems to have sprung. Our snowdrops having been in flower for what seems like forever have packed it in. Daffodils, at long last, are out. There is, in the Strix garden, an invasion...
Good morning everyone - very mild and windy here, but more rain on its way .... Well it's that time of the year !! Four links with plenty of options today, so thinking caps on for the final round -...
More than five generations of Mrs Strix family have bred, trained and competed on horses. From earliest youth they all have had close relationships with their horses. This means they are closely in...
Good morning everyone - Winter has arrived here when we were least expecting it, well not too bad, but a bit of a shock after lovely sunny Autumn ... to think I was out in the paddocks Wednesday while...
Good morning everyone - still getting used to clocks going forward and back, so this could be posted at any time. Thanks again to the stalwarts for manning the life boat whilst I was away, and now...
Oh dear, I seem, last weekend, to have left you somewhat in the dark as to what my links might be. I will try to be less abstruse this time. As I said a week ago, I am an architect. I was lucky enough...
Has anyone had any frogs spawn in their ponds this year? Normally we see them anytime between the 1st to the 10th of March, but this year not a peep of a frog in the pond. I appreciate it's been...
substance derived from the beans of a tropical evergreen tree related to cotton and okra the nickname of jazz musician edward kennedy ellington uk prime minister from 1970-74 programme of events in...
This is 'Queen Kay' (aka evsajo) here for the final March challenge, Good Morning all, As this is my last week of setting the links I decided to write something about my home town (well city actually)...
Here are the details for today Television series based on the beaches and shores of the British Isles, first presented by Nick Crane Collective noun for a group of hounds or wolves, also an organised...
Good morning everyone - having seen the news reports of snowfalls over the weekend I'm surprised/very relieved to hear from you all, to know you're all still there and sorry for grannydi, who seems to...
This is 'Queen Kay' (aka evsajo) here again, Good Morning all, I am writing this as I sit freezing in my house, surrounded by furniture. My front door and conservatory door are wide open as the carpet...
Good morning everyone - for this, the final round for March. Yes, I know there's another weekend to come, but remember I said I'd be away next weekend and the one after, so April will be 'late' as...
This is 'Queen Kay' (aka evsajo) here again, Morning all, Just over a year ago my daughter and her friend took over a shop in Lichfield and launched [I] The Sewing Shop [i], which, as the name...