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Was that a disappointment or what? After all the hype ,what a damp squib of an ending to what has been a superb series. Did Tony get 'whacked' for killing Phil Leotardo, did Silvio recover from his...
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Can anyone tell me the name of the pop group that Anthony was in 10 years ago please TIA X and btw, him and susan to win!
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Don't they annoy you?? Where there is limited parking spaces, these idiots take up 2 spaces. Why cannot they park closer to the car in front or in their allocated space? Cannot they see they are...
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Is it illegal to park a transit van outside someone else's house if it is not causing an obstruction?
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any ideas what to get for our trusty wedding helpers? and where to get them from?
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Slim Shady
Hi ya I am looking for a very thick/wide tan leather belt to go round my waist with a maxi dress and tan sandles. I can't find one anywhere. Has anyone seen one about please? Thanks x
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does anyone know where i can get tan leather boots katie price / jordan has a lovely pair shown on her tv programme want some silmilar to hers
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Hi, my friend let her property on a 6 month shorthold tenency. It has turned out that she let to the tennant from hell! The tennant was served notice 9 weeks ago [section 21 or 22 ?] and should have...
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ok so weve got talent because a mobile phone salesman can sing nesum dorma ( tho i cant spell it right lol) do you think he was good? or really talented?? im a bit disappoinbted. how about you?
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My sister has just told me they have split up. Can't be true, surely?
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I got qustion on making rap beats. this is my first time making sum, mostly I do lyrics.I kno how to do the Kicks,snares & hats but when I add the piano keys or instrument do I play by the beat or a...
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HI Does anyone know what mix of scream by Michael jackson was used by a group of dancers on britains got talent on the first night? thanks very much
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what will be better to get a music software or equipment?
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In about 2004/2005, there was a song out, club music! came out around the same time as the weekend by micheal gray. Saturday summin summin!! thts all i cn rememeber ne1 help me?
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im trying to remember who did this old dance song. in the lyrivs it spelt out the name of the devil, 'd.e.v.i.l.-the devil' can anyone help? thanks
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Watching corrie tonight.Now apart from violet and that bint from liberty x theres not a great deal of talent. especially when you look at the over 35 age group. Gails a fish face,deirdre has a turkey...
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does anybody know the location of the new tesco milk advert with martin clunes and another actress there camping on a hill side
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Does anyone know where you can download the new Volvic ads, have looked on the Volvic website, but they only have the old ones on. I am looking for the ones with the talking volcano, and the dinosaur...
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In this episode (just on E4 now) Rachel's boss asks her to take his niece Emily (played by Rachel Baxendale) to the opera whilst she is in town. Rachel wants to go to Joshua's club opening instead,...
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my cats are destroying my furniture...but i am STRONGLY against de-clawing! Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to resolve this common, but difficult problem? Thank you, Scout

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