hope everyone ok this morning - it'e absolutely cracking down here on the south coast - i'll have a quick half hour or so on here answer some questions on other threads and get out and enjoy the day -...
i done the weekly shop yesterday, within that were 2 packs of multipack choc biscuits, all in all there werew about 18 bars in the fridge. Woke up this morning and thereall gone, my partner has ate...
Most people only use a very thin amount of marg or butter on bread before putting the filling in a sandwich. So why do they bother when surely the filling would over power the taste of it?
next Monday after all of you have submitted what you think is the best post.........the ED now has to chose. http://halfbackflanker.files.wordpress.com/200 8/05/fffoundpostitnote.jpg
Taken me ages to post this! Well I gave up trying to get back to sleep a while ago so am sat with tea and toast watching the hamster bouncing around:) Getting the sniffles going round at work and not...
phase of the moon or a planet when only half of its disc is visible d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ sheet of canvas or other material stretched on a frame and used to provide shelter along shop-fronts etc. _ _ N _...
Hi guys, What do you think about student initiations and drinking? http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_and_styl e/education/article4870733.ece Do you think it's all a bit of an innocent laugh, or an...
http://www.dailyexpress.co.uk/posts/view/64333 /Teacher-s-jolly-to-Marbella-cancelled- After having to use their school for the training programme instead of going on the Marbella jolly, the...
WHO WOULD YOU SAY IS YOUR HOTTEST ACTOR? Here you can put down as many names as you want. And there isnt a right or wrong answer. So i start with: - Johnny Depp - Shia LaBeouf
Come on ... ... you know it's naff, and you shouldn't wear it ... ... but you like it. I've got some socks from the men's dept at M&S. Came in a pack of 7, with the days of the week on them. If I wear...