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Has anyone else read "He's Just not that into You"? I think evry woman should get this book at the age of 16 and be required to memorize it!!
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sitting here in the garden with your lappy soaking up the last off the sun on a hot summers day listening to a repeat off the chris moyles show and a few beers in hand off course. But the best thing...
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A fter another thread brought up a subject i had been thinking about i just thought id post a question about it. so here we go Men over the age of 30 do you think they should be banned from wearing...
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My first cat will not clean himself and he stinks really bad!! Instead my other cat cleans him; which is causing my second cat to have coughing fits because of the hair balls. What should i do about...
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im not talking about How you make yor partner happy, im talking about what makes you happy in a relationship? some do and give what ever their partner wants, but not thinking about themselfs? isnt...
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Thunder, lightning, rain, rain. Branches down, wires down, but no water in basement!!! More storms later though. Keep fingers crossed.
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Evening folks, a few items that may amuse you on this wet and windy night... things you would love to say out at work... How do I set thew laser printer to stun? This isn't an office, it's hell with...
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ive got my current account that my salary paid into, and ive got a 'bills' account that all my bills go out of. now i am about to become a landlady (renting my house out, not the pub kind), i would...
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Can I mount a flat style mailbox to the cross bar of my PVC fence? My old mailbox was on a post and reached out over the top of my fence. Since I put up a higher front fence across the yard my box is...
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Hey, sounds sad I know, but I missed this weeks Six Degrees (it was on tonight ITV 1 at 10.40), does anyone know where I can see it?? Thanks
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When I beggan reeding this artical, I inittially thought, "stupid idea"...but perhaps their is a logic in alowing sertain comonly mis-spelled words into the dictionery....
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I just saw a pediatrician on TV say that a student's desk can have 400 times more germs than a toilet seat and that classrooms have more germs than a doctor's office. No wonder I am sick all the time....
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Stephen_G g/7552526.stm Is this sour grapes that Blake Aldridge hasn't been getting the attention lavished on him that Tom Daley has? Is this the end of their...
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what is the music played in the epsiode 'The One With All The Football' the part when they play football and they play rough it sarts with 'lets get ready to rumble..' then a kind of DJ music. thanks
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What with all the financial doom and gloom upon us the AnswerBank has introduced a new cashback site to try and earn you all some extra cash. Take a look and earn yourself a few quid, each new member...
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Glad to see you back- you finally got t'internet now then?
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1. What's the best thing that happened to you this week. 2. What's the worst? 3. What's the best holiday you've ever been on? 4. What's the worst. 5. What's the furthest you've ever travelled from...
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Has anyone else got the entire collection of a TV / film series that they watch over and over and never tire of? (Not 24/7 but re-visited regularly) Mine's Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Got the lot and...
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to Icey-wherever you are.....and leggy also xxxxxx
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... which I finished last night. Interesting sociological point ... "Normalcy (!) was a majority concept, the standard of many and not the standard of just one man." At the start of the book, Neville...

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