Someone in another post used the word hamper in the English sense meaning gift basket. I am familar with the word being used this way even though I speak the "American English". We use the word hamper...
My parents never gave me "the talk" and the sex education in school was appauling.In fact is was almost non existent.We had one lesson of PSE a week which usually involved learning about how to treat...
Has anyone ever found , or thought they had found , an all time love ? Have you ever passed over someone because you thought youd found the one , only to discover that youd let the better person go ?...
I just joined, from the USA. I have a body like a shrivelled prawn but the soul of a queen. I've been on a number of other sites, but this one looks really cool. Can I join in ?
Could you just pack up your belongings and move to anothercountry ?or continent ? i packed up and sold up and finished my job all withion 7 weeks from making the decision to go. that was 18 months ago...
My husband and his ex wife divorced in 1998 after 6 years of marriage.He is due to leave the army in October after 22 years of service.His ex wife has hinted she is going to make a claim on his...
Answer honestly! Do you enjoy your job? Do you think you are paid enough for what you do? What would you change about your job? Mine is Yes No I wish I was busier and had more responsibilties..... or...
watch this link, it's about 2 guys who raised a lion cub then when it got too big they had to release it into the wild, is the moment they were reunited after one year....
Hi, I am looking for some advice on a recruiting dilemma. I am in the process of recruiting a Customer Support/ Sales Representative, and have narrowed it down to two people, but am not sure which one...
What is the etiquette for spelling when emailing the US? I sometimes have to deal with colleagues/clients in the US and it looks really odd if they're asking where their "check" is and you answer the...
rite i would like to hear about anyone who has had problems with there kids being bullyed at school.. and you go to the school and its like talkin to a brick wall ? and your child still is bullyed !...
Dear all, I have a 12 year old son by a former partner. I enjoy a calm relationship with the ex, have very regular phone contact with my son and also see him very regularly (we live 120 miles apart...