22A Form of a dead language used from the 3rd to the 7th centuries (4,5) L*** LATIN and 18A In a clandestine and unobtrusive way (2,3,2) O*/**E /*T The last two to solve.
I need help on my last few on a quiz sheet PLEASE. Numbers eg 7Bf7B =7 Brides for 7 Brothers i need ATo2C / T2R / 13.55FtT / 1967TCD / 23,900MttM. Occupations eg Vegans do not purchase here=Butcher. I...
I bought a plant from Do it All some months ago without a care label (the plant was cheap) and do not know what on earth it is. It seems to like bright rooms away from direct sunlight. The stalks are...
25D Has to be tees (T*E*) "Supporters of course need hot drinks for the audience." but why Please? Also 26A Stops the rock'n roll with the girlfriends" (8) S*E*D*E*